2024 Ferreira, G., Carvalho, A., & Pereira, M.G. (in press). Relaxation Intervention to Improve Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing: Protocol for a Pilot Study with a Nested Qualitative Study. Journal of Wound Care.
2016 Wottrich, S., Moré, S., & Pereira, M. G. (2016). The doctor-patient relationship in the context of cardiology: An integrative review. International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience, 2(2), 153-172.
2004 Pereira, M. G. (2004). Illness representations, symptomatology and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis and their caregivers. Psychology & Health.
2004 McIntyre, T., Johnston, M., Soares, V., Trovisqueira, A., Pereira, M.D.G. (2004). Psychosocial adjustment following an mi in portuguese and scottish patients: Gender, age and culture. Psychology and Health.
2004 Pereira, M.G., Marques, O., Coelho L., Castoe G., Frias A. (2004). Psychological variables associated with therapeutic adherence and metabolic control in adults with diabetes. Psychology and Health.
2004 Smith, T.E., Sells, S.P., Pereira, M. G. A., Todahl, J., Papagiannis, G. (2004). Qualitative studies in family psychotherapy. Journal of Family Psychotherapy.